
HEy i’m jessica…

But my friends call me Jess!

I’m a Manitoba Mama & Graphic Designer who specializes in Branding for Small Business.

I’m passionate about empowering women (especially other mama’s), design of all kinds (mostly graphic though), mental health, equality and advocating for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Working as a freelance Graphic Designer allows me to create beautiful logos and design elements for small businesses looking to make a big impact in a simple way. Plus as a bonus, I get to work from home and spend time with my kiddos. Although, I do send the oldest 2 to daycare so that I can actually get things done during the day - ya feel me?

Beyond freelancing, I love sharing my motherhood journey with the world through my Blog and Instagram. Opening up and being vulnerable about motherhood has given me the opportunity to connect with some other real amazing mom’s out there.


mom life


My family means the world to me, but had you asked me 15 years ago how many kids I would have, my answer probably would have been none.

I thought I’d be off living in a big city, working for a high-end ad agency, living the single life and looking out for only number 1. But my oh my how things changed, and now I honestly wouldn’t want it any other way.

I met my husband in College and we became fast friends. In fact he was in the ‘friend zone’ for over a year before things turned romantic. I was pretty hesitant to date him because I knew once we got together, that would be it for me. He was and still is my best friend and over the past decade we have built a beautiful life together.

Our pride and joy are our children. Our oldest daughter is full of love & kindness mixed with a whole lot of sass. Her world revolves are glitter, rainbows, sparkles, unicorns and princesses. Our son is that classic, second born wild child. He has never been interested in being a little kid, but rather does all he can to keep up with his big sister. He was born with a mild hearing loss and is the proud owner of phonak hearing aids!


double the fun

Then just as we were thinking maybe being a family of four was just the right thing, we found out we were expecting again. It wasn’t until my 20 week ultrasound that we found out we were having Twins!! Total shocker to get that news. Like legit, I blacked out after the ultrasound tech said “You’re having Twins.”

Four weeks early, on Boxing Day, we welcomed the girls to our family and suddenly we went from a family of 4 to a family of 6!! It still feels weird to say that out loud if I’m totally honest. But the twins truly are everything we never knew we needed.

Now to answer the questions I know you’re thinking…

No, they are not identical

Yes, I can tell them apart (Well most of the time)

Yes, they are natural - although aren’t all baby’s natural? It’s not like they are robots! Also don’t ask that question out loud to someone in person because it’s rude and really none of your business.

Yes, twins run in my family history

Yes, I had a C-section (all my kids were born this way)

No, I don’t make them wear matching clothes all the time.

Yes, I have my hands my full

Yes, I’m busy - having 4 kids close in age plus running a business is a lot of work but I wouldn’t want it any other way!

If you’re interested in reading more about my adventures of being a mom to 4 incredible kids then be sure to check out my blog!


I have beeen a creative person my whole life. I've gone from colouring on the walls as a kid (sorry Mom) to now developing beautiful digital designs that fit the needs of each businesses I work with.


For so long I hummed and hawed about starting my own business. It’s a scary thing to give up your full time gig to work from home. I honestly didn’t think I would really be able to make a go of it (insert self deprecating comment here) but while I was on maternity leave with my son I knew I had to do something for myself and while I had grand ideas of starting my own kids clothing label I knew if I was going to really start a business it would have to be something that I was truly passionate about. Something that lit a fire in my soul.

The only thing that really made sense was graphic design. I graduated from the Web Design program at Assiniboine College back in 2011 and while I dabbled in some freelance work after that, I lacked the confidence I needed to succeed. So I bounced around from job to job, always finding ways to incorporate my design skills while also doing side projects for close family and friends.

But then one day when chatting with some of my besties we got on the topic of what our dream job was. Like if you could be doing any job, money didn’t matter, what would you do? For me, it was a no brainer. I’d be freelancing as a graphic designer but specializing in branding. My friends looked at me and asked the most obvious question: “Well why aren’t you doing that then?”

I didn’t really have a good answer, other than I was scared. Scared that I wasn’t good enough. We’ve all been there right? But I decided to take a chance and bet on myself, and now over a year later - here we are!


