Building Your Momma Tribe

If there is one thing I have learned in my few years of motherhood, it’s that you need a Tribe. I know, we’ve heard it all before: “It takes a Village.” But the saying holds up, now possibly more than ever. With anxiety rates on the rise, and judgements all over the internet, we need a solid group of people that are in our corner, cheering us on, comforting us when we’re down, checking in when they haven’t heard from you in awhile and offering advice only when we ask for it.

Motherhood is hard and it’s going to be a long road if you’re walking it alone. So if you don’t already have a Tribe, it’s time to start building one. Trust me when I say, life is so much better when you have a support group to lean on when you’re in the trenches of parenthood.

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Diaper Review: Hello Bello vs Rascal + Friends

Since having 4 kids (3 of them still being in diapers) I feel that I have come to learn a thing or two about what makes a good diaper and what does not. So I thought I would take some time and share my thoughts with you on two different diaper brands: Hello Bello and Rascal + Friends.

For me, when I’m looking at diapers there are a few factors that I feel are the most important: Cost, Fit, Absorbency, Sensitivity & Availability.

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An Open Letter to my Kids

I love you, all of you. You are my world but my not my whole life. I won’t apologize for work pulling attention from you sometimes. I won’t apologize for calling a babysitter so your Dad and I can go out just the two of us. I won’t apologize for hanging out with my friends the few times I get to without you around or taking a weekend away to focus on just me. These things all need to happen. I know you miss me, and trust me when I say I miss you too. But in order for me to be the best Mom to you, I need to be the best version of me which means I can’t allow myself to fully drown in motherhood.

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Covid-19: Choose Love

Okay, guys I wasn’t going to make a post about Covid-19 but here we are… I’m choosing to write something because I am sooooo sick of seeing people posting about others not following the “rules” for social distancing and judging others for things like going grocery shopping more than once a week or for going outside with more than one person. I get it – you are frustrated. I’m right there with you. This whole thing is scary, and we don’t know how to handle it because there is no guidebook for us.

We want social distancing to be over soon and things to get back to “normal” and we’re frightened. I understand that. I get that you want your life to return to the way it was before, but the sad reality is that it’s simply not going to happen for the foreseeable future. I don’t like it any more than you do.

It breaks my heart that new Moms are stuck at home without being able to share this exciting and hard time with friends and family and lean on people to support them during this time. I get sad every time I think about a bride needing to postpone their wedding, a day that they have probably been thinking about forever.

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

This is what I love about him. He doesn’t waiver on his love. He recognizes what I need and supports me to the best of his ability.

So what does that look like?

It looks like him coming home early if I have to run out to a meeting. It looks like him holding, changing, feeding and calming down the babies all night while the older two are in bed so I can focus on my work. It looks like him, taking the kids out of the house on the weekends for a few hours so I can have some quiet time to do my own thing. It looks like him, loving me and doing his part to keep our family running while I work my ass off to make my business a success. It’s him cleaning the kitchen because I’ve already done it 20 times during the day. Or him making supper because I don’t have the energy. It’s him recognizing what I’ve done and saying Thank You.

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