Posts tagged kids
Diaper Review: Hello Bello vs Rascal + Friends

Since having 4 kids (3 of them still being in diapers) I feel that I have come to learn a thing or two about what makes a good diaper and what does not. So I thought I would take some time and share my thoughts with you on two different diaper brands: Hello Bello and Rascal + Friends.

For me, when I’m looking at diapers there are a few factors that I feel are the most important: Cost, Fit, Absorbency, Sensitivity & Availability.

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An Open Letter to my Kids

I love you, all of you. You are my world but my not my whole life. I won’t apologize for work pulling attention from you sometimes. I won’t apologize for calling a babysitter so your Dad and I can go out just the two of us. I won’t apologize for hanging out with my friends the few times I get to without you around or taking a weekend away to focus on just me. These things all need to happen. I know you miss me, and trust me when I say I miss you too. But in order for me to be the best Mom to you, I need to be the best version of me which means I can’t allow myself to fully drown in motherhood.

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